Leech Therapy

Leech therapy is a special drainage procedure, such as bloodletting or blood cupping, also known as Hacamat or Hijama.

Drainage procedures are based on the elimination of stored waste and other harmful substances through the bloodstream.

What distinguishes leech therapy from all other drainage methods is the unique effect of the leech's salivary secretion, which is released into the patient's bloodstream when the leech sucks.

Due to its effectiveness and tolerance, leech therapy is becoming increasingly popular for a wide range of diseases.

History of leech therapy

Leeching as a method of purification.

Historical records show that leeching was used as a naturopathic and Ayurvedic treatment in India about 3000 years ago.

In the course of history, leech therapy also found its way to Europe, so that in the Middle Ages a large number of leech treatments were carried out in various European countries.

At that time, leeching fell into disrepute due to a number of arbitrary applications, with the initial state of health of many patients not being taken into account due to a lack of scientific knowledge.

In recent years, however, leech therapy has been used more and more frequently and is enjoying a renaissance.

As well as being used as a drainage method, leeches are sometimes also used as a complementary treatment method in conventional medicine.

Areas of application 

Leech therapy can be used for a variety of diseases.

The main areas of application are venous congestion, varicose veins and superficial phlebitis (thrombophlebitis).

Leech therapy has proved effective for the following diseases:

Venous diseases such as varicose veins, spider veins, thrombosis and haemorrhoids.

Cardiovascular diseases

  • Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism and gout
  • Chronic neck, shoulder and back problems
  • Liver congestion, lymphatic congestion
  • Hematoma
  • Migraine

Particularly in the case of osteoarthritis, leech therapy is excellent for relieving pain and reducing swelling thanks to the decongestion effect.

The discomfort caused by osteoarthritis is often significantly reduced after the first leech treatment.

In general, leech therapy is extremely useful for all diseases caused by circulatory disorders or inflammatory processes.


Leech therapy is based on the active substances contained in the saliva of these little creatures.

Scientists have discovered more than 20 different substances.

In particular, the substances "eglin" (a powerful anti-inflammatory) and "hirudin" (an anticoagulant, responsible for thinning the blood) have proved particularly useful and have been the subject of intensive research.

The active ingredient eglin blocks the enzymes that trigger inflammation, thereby counteracting inflammatory processes.

Rosehip therefore acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Eglantine also has an analgesic effect.

The active ingredient, hirudin, has a whole range of positive properties:

By inhibiting blood coagulation, hirudin prevents the formation of thrombosis and helps dissolve existing thrombi.

In addition, hirudin relieves vasospasm, which has a decongestant effect.

Hirudin also strengthens the body's immune system by promoting the formation of white blood cells (leukocytes).

Leukocytes are the cellular components of the human immune system.

As hirudin also speeds up lymph flow, the body can eliminate harmful substances contained in the lymph more quickly during the elimination process.

Procedure for leech treatment

As medicinal leeches are very sensitive animals and sensitive to odours, the corresponding skin area should not be washed with soap or cream for about three days before treatment.

At the start of leech therapy, the medical leech is placed on the selected skin area using tweezers or a syringe-shaped tube.

In order for the leech to be active in the desired area, the therapist holds it in position with an inverted glass.

The leech then begins its work by penetrating the skin with its tiny teeth.

As the leech immediately releases an anaesthetic secretion, the procedure is hardly noticeable and can be compared to a mosquito bite.

The leeching treatment takes between 30 and 90 minutes.

During this time, a leech absorbs 10 to 20 ml of blood, depending on its size, and two to six animals are usually used.

For this reason, leech therapy is sometimes called "mini phlebotomy".

Once a leech has sucked enough blood, it falls off by itself.

It is important that the leech is never forcibly removed, as parts of the jaw may remain in the wound, which can lead to inflammation.

Subsequent bleeding from the wound is desirable and should not be prevented under any circumstances.

This increases the effectiveness of the leech treatment and frees the wound of any germs.

At the end of the treatment, the wound is dressed with a sterile, loose bandage.

The bleeding that follows usually lasts no longer than 12 hours.

Side effects of leech therapy

During leech treatment, side effects often occur, but they are usually completely harmless.

For example, a bruise around the bite site, which disappears completely within a few days.

It is also normal for redness, itching and slight swelling to appear up to 48 hours after treatment.

You absolutely must not give in to the itching to avoid infection of the wound.

Although the bite site usually heals completely within a few weeks and is no longer visible, older people or patients with larger scars may develop a small permanent scar.

In addition, some patients suffer from poor circulation after treatment.

It is therefore recommended to spend the day of the treatment in a calm environment and to drink plenty of fluids.

Other rare to very rare side effects of leech therapy are

  • Prolonged secondary bleeding
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Allergic reactions
  • Local inflammations
  • Infections

Who is leech therapy suitable for?

Although leech therapy is in principle suitable for everyone, including animals, the treatment should not be used in certain circumstances or in the case of existing illnesses.

These include anticoagulant drugs such as Marcumar, a weakened immune system, anaemia, excessive scarring or pregnancy.

Always ask your doctor, specialist or vet for advice!

by Andrea Burgdorf
Holistic medicine and naturopathy

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