Ready to Survive training

Training That Makes Sense

Become Yourself!

Does your job have any meaning? You are doing a useless and absurd job! Take back control of your life and develop your skills. Find here a training course that delivers you from Burn-out.


Rated 5/5 by 1200 Living People

Training That Makes Sense

Become Yourself

Does your job have any meaning? You are doing a useless and absurd job! Take back control of your life and develop your skills. Find here a training that will deliver you from Burn-out.


Rated 5/5 by 1200 Living People


Learn Online

        Learn at your own pace and get out of your bullshit jobs. Do a job that's useful and that's like you.


Study & Create

   Crisis in the meaning of work! Crazy jobs and the search for meaning. Urban reconversions. Towards craft trades.


Thinking Outside the Box

To have a grip on the world and contribute to its smooth running. Remove spiritual violence and feelings of worthlessness.

Hello, how can we help you?

Ihere are hundreds of old and new professions to be reinvented in the fields of crafts, agriculture and the sciences applied to well-being. Ne believe it's our duty to bring them up to date, and we've forged links with trainers who are happy to pass on their authentic know-how. CTell us about your life project and we will provide you with all our expertise.

A Real Job

Fulfill your potential with our training courses

A Real Job

Fulfill your potential with our training courses

Learn to survive in a complex world and an anxiety-provoking time. To rediscover the desire to feel useful for ourselves and for others. Re-learn our attachment to and respect for nature without artifice. To make useful objects, houses that breathe, joy and happiness around us. Training courses that talk about agriculture, water, breeding, forestry, crafts but also 3D printing to combine modernism and respectful existence.

We are committed to the transmission of knowledge. Our training courses are encyclopaedias of the living world that will enable you to build personal, family and collective autonomy in terms of health and resilience.
From crisis to autonomy, our trainings are a concrete answer to how to face the crisis towards a better and more serene future.
For a world of tomorrow with more sovereignty, mutual aid and solidarity in respect of the laws of life.

More than 1200 5-Star ratings over 5 years


Rated 5/5 by 1200 living people

Solutions for another job

Training, Articles & Reflections! Read the blog

But why are those who have a bullshit job so unhappy? You are part of the big assembly line at the office? why not make sense of your life now. Learn differently!

Solutions for another job

Training, Articles & Reflections! Read the blog

But why are those who have a bullshit job so unhappy? You are part of the big assembly line at the office? why not make sense of your life now. Learn differently!

Your strengths and assets

Upcoming training courses: Mead wine producer - Aquaponics - Aquaculture - Forestry - Beekeeping - Animal husbandry - Market gardening - Water storage - Free energy - Personal development - Children's education - Spirituality - 3D printing - Physical training - Construction - Ecology ... and many more in development at the time of writing.

Your strengths and assets

Upcoming training courses: Mead wine producer - Aquaponics - Aquaculture - Forestry - Beekeeping - Animal husbandry - Market gardening - Water storage - Free energy - Personal development - Children's education - Spirituality - 3D printing - Physical training - Construction - Ecology ... and many more in development at the time of writing.


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