Online Tutor Alternate Home

Online Tutor Alternate Home2020-04-27T15:41:04+01:00

Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.


Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students

Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.


Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students


Face To Face Learning

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Share And Collaborate

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Rewatch Lessons

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$650/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$600/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$480/12 sessions

My Core Objectives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet pulvinar dolor. Nullam tristique ultricies dolor eu pharetra. Pellentesque vel mi non urna mattis maximus. Nulla porta, purus sit amet rutrum ultricies, erat metus pulvinar augue, sed lacinia quam lorem sed quam. Nunc ac lacinia quam. Quisque finibus convallis lacus eu pellentesque. In vitae pharetra nulla. Nullam elementum elit laoreet lobortis porttitor.


School Prep


Creative Thinking


Mental Arithmetic


Computer Literacy

Un Vrai Job

Epanouissez-vous avec nos formations

Un Vrai Job

Epanouissez-vous avec nos formations

Apprendre à survivre dans un monde complexe et une époque anxiogène. Retrouver le goût de se sentir utile pour nous et pour les autres. Réapprendre notre attachement et au respect de la nature sans artifice. Fabriquer des objets utiles, des maisons qui respirent, de la joie et du bonheur autour de nous. Des formations qui parlent d’agriculture, d’eau, d’élevage, de forêt, de métiers d’artisanats mais aussi d’impression 3D pour allier modernisme et existence respectueuse.

Nous avons à cœur la transmission du savoir. Nos formations sont des encyclopédie du vivant qui vont vous permettent de construire une autonomie personnelle, familiale et collective en terme de santé et de résilience.
De la crise à l’autonomie, nos formations sont une réponse concrète à comment faire face à la crise vers un avenir meilleur et plus serein.
Pour un monde de demain avec plus de souveraineté, d’entraide et de solidarité dans le respect des lois du vivant.

Plus de 1200 évaluations 5 Etoiles sur 5 ans


Evalué 5/5 par 1200 personnes vivantes

Solutions pour un autre job

Formations, Articles & Réflexions ! Lisez le blog

Mais pourquoi ceux qui ont un bullshit job sont-ils si malheureux ? vous faires partie de la grande chaine de montage au bureau ? pourquoi pas donner un sens à sa vie des maintenant. Apprenez différemment !

Solutions pour un autre job

Formations, Articles & Réflexions ! Lisez le blog

Mais pourquoi ceux qui ont un bullshit job sont-ils si malheureux ? vous faires partie de la grande chaine de montage au bureau ? pourquoi pas donner un sens à sa vie des maintenant. Apprenez différemment !


My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

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